I've created more than 50 projects since I began programming 9 years ago, from web applications and websites to video games, command-line tools, browser extensions, APIs, and Discord bots. 35 of them can be found below.
This is an application that allows you to practice conjugating verbs in Japanese. I built a custom conjugation algorithm from scratch that supports 21...
This is the most recent game I've made and, in my opinion, my best. This is a pixel-perfect recreation of the original SPACE INVADERS game released in...
This is a recreation of the mobile game Twins, by Parrotgames. I have linked an APKpure listing, as it is the only remnant of their game I was able to fi...
Rat-a-Tat Cat Online is a real-time-multiplayer online game based on the card game Rat-a-Tat Cat, by Gamewright. It supports 2-6 players and features built...
This is an application that tracks your progress on the Kanji-learning app called WaniKani and shows you some useful stats about your learning journey using WaniKani's API. I...
Sudoku Solver Advanced
This is an application that solves sudoku puzzles using the same strategies and techniques used by humans. It implements the 8 most common solving met...
iFit Spinoff
This is a feature-rich recreation of (and improvement upon) iFit software that allows you to sync your treadmill with Google Street View to simulate g...
Discord Bot: Custom Would You Rather
Discord Bot
Custom Would You Rather is a Discord bot that is completely customizable and extendable by any and every community. I created this bot after seeing Wo...
Jisho Pop-up Dictionary
Browser Extension
A tiny browser extension for Chromium-based browsers I made to help myself learn Japanese. Highlight a Japanese word on any website and press CTRL+B t...
WaniKani Automatic Translator
Browser Extension
A browser extension for Chromium-based browsers that automatically extracts, translates, and re-injects example sentences on WaniKani's website. WaniK...
A TamperMonkey script that throws you a tiny celebration each time you "burn" (master) an item on WaniKani. I made this to help motivate me and get me...
Discord DM Downloader
Command-line Tool
Data Preservation
A script that automatically collects every Discord DM you've exchanged with someone and compiles them into a .json file so they can be stored locally....
Discord Server Word Usage Calculator
A small script that leverages a loophole in Discord's backend, allowing it to crawl an entire Discord server and find every instance of any given word...
Hacked into Discord
Data Preservation
This is possibly one of my proudest achievements. I created a set of two scripts that work together to successfully bypass Discord's two-factor authen...
Automatic Discord Login Flow
I made this as part of a website I was building (but have since stopped work on) that required very unique access control. I didn't want users to be a...
Image Pre-renderer and Cacher for Khan Academy
Open-source Library
This is a project I made a very long time ago for a site called Khan Academy. There was a community of several thousand learners there that I was a ma...
WaniKani Lesson Recap
Command-line Tool
A small script that uses WaniKani's API to fetch and display the lessons you've recently completed on the platform in the order in which you've comple...
Browser Media Interceptor
A small script that leverages the modern audio API for browsers and allows users to intercept an audio stream on its way to their audio driver. I made...
Mass-downloader for Vimm's Lair
Data Recovery
A small script that automatically downloads any number of .7z files from Vimm's Lair back-to-back. My dad and I homebrewed our Nintendo Wii many years ago, but recently the hard driv...
A recreation of the game 2048, by Gabriele Cirulli. I whipped up this game in an afternoon to use as an example for a student I was tutoring at the time...
TRI_ANGLEt is a very unique game that is honestly not even really that fun, lol. I had a great idea for this extremely unique game where you pilot a s...
A small, very simple, one- or two-player air hockey-like game with a snowman theme. I made this as part of a winter programming challenge. Made with t...
A simple endless-runner game with a flat paper theme. The look and feel is inspired by Super Paper Mario on the Nintendo Wii - one of my favorite game...
I created this game when I was 13. I named it "Simple Dodge" hoping to trick people into thinking it would be a simple, straightforward dodge game, bu...
A Ninja's Realm is a simple platforming game with ninja-style combat. Over the course of 36 levels, you'll control a ninja fighting other ninjas by th...
I made this game to replicate a classic dot-to-dot puzzle book. It includes 26 puzzles, 3 of which were made by me, and 23 of which were created by a ...
Word Watchers is a unique twist on a word search, where each time you find a word, its letters are removed from the board and the remaining letters fa...
FlappyBird++; is a twist on the game Flappy Bird, by Gears (link to Wikipedia since the original game was deleted by its author shortly after release). The ti...
An extremely simple platformer game with fun level design. I created this as practice for generating levels from bitmaps and mastering platforming col...
Based on the game Twins, by Parrotgames. This was one of the very first games I ever made, and was inspired by the fact that my older sister had the game...
A very bad but pretty cute recreation of the 1981 arcade game, GALAGA. One of the very first games I ever made. My sister helped me make the pixel art...
An Overview of My Skills
I began programming 9 years ago when I was 11 years old, and have written code nearly every single day of my life since then. I have dabbled in practically every field of computer programming, but full-stack web development is where I feel most at home. Building web-facing applications is second-nature to me. JavaScript (including Node.js) is my strongest programming language and the one I've been using since day one, with HTML and CSS right alongside it. I'm proficient with the SvelteKit web framework (love it) and PostgreSQL, along with dozens of other web-related technologies.
While web development is my strongest field, the one I've been doing the longest, and the one I enjoy the most, I also love to mess around with other aspects of programming, like game development, graphics pipelines, CLI tools, and cybersecurity. If it involves programming, it's probably something I love.
My Life When I'm Not Programming
When I'm not writing code, you'll most likely find me enjoying one of my countless other hobbies: reading, writing, studying, teaching, playing video games, and spending time with my friends and family. I spend most of my day reading anything from textbooks and documentation to web articles and forum posts. If I'm not reading, it's probably because I took a break to do some writing instead. Last year I began studying the Japanese language, and just recently passed the 3rd of 5 levels of proficiency. I've also recently begun dabbling in videography and video editing. When the opportunity arises to learn something new, I just can't resist.
I love to teach and share my knowledge with others. Over the last few years I've tutored 9 students, one of whom now works professionally as a computer programmer, and another recently began pursuing a degree in computer science at university. In addition to tutoring, I also love to share my knowledge in less formal ways, like posting in online forums and Discord servers or building entire education-focused applications from scratch and releasing them for free. I love answering questions and pitching in wherever I can, and whenever I finally grasp a difficult concept, I love going out of my way to make it easier for the next person who may come across it to understand.